What aspect of your life are you struggling with right now or would you like to see a shift in? Shining more brightly, being more seen and known.
Are there any people or situations that are highlighting that struggle? I have parts who are saying, it’s so much work to promote your book! There are too many options and too many people to contact and it’s all too much!
What is the desire deep within you that this external struggle is highlighting? We do really want to help people and have an impact.
What is the misbelief that’s getting in the way of you pursuing your deep desire? That we need to do a lot of things to make this happen. Otherwise, how will people find me and my work?
Is there a moment or moments in your life where the misbelief was seeded? Hard work was the way modelled to me growing up. The message from society was, You don’t get anywhere if you don’t work hard. That led to four bouts of burnout. We can’t do that again.
What new belief do you want to embrace? We want to show up in ways that feel good and allow synchronicity and a bit of magic to help too! My parts are loving that idea so we’re going to welcome in that belief and see what happens!
What aspect of your life are you struggling with right now or would you like to see a shift in? Shining more brightly, being more seen and known.
Are there any people or situations that are highlighting that struggle? I have parts who are saying, it’s so much work to promote your book! There are too many options and too many people to contact and it’s all too much!
What is the desire deep within you that this external struggle is highlighting? We do really want to help people and have an impact.
What is the misbelief that’s getting in the way of you pursuing your deep desire? That we need to do a lot of things to make this happen. Otherwise, how will people find me and my work?
Is there a moment or moments in your life where the misbelief was seeded? Hard work was the way modelled to me growing up. The message from society was, You don’t get anywhere if you don’t work hard. That led to four bouts of burnout. We can’t do that again.
What new belief do you want to embrace? We want to show up in ways that feel good and allow synchronicity and a bit of magic to help too! My parts are loving that idea so we’re going to welcome in that belief and see what happens!